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IT Gender Gap

We've just wrapped up the August issue's cover story on 2011 salaries, "What Are You Worth". This is the first survey of hospitality executives’ salaries that HT has ever conducted and participation from readers was overwhelmingly high.

Overall, the findings reveal that hospitality executives are well compensated for their efforts. The average 2011 salary for a hospitality executive is $139,347. One area the survey casts light on is how gender impacts earnings. The average 2011 salary of the men polled in this survey is $145,906. The average woman in this survey will earn $108.193 this year. The difference in compensation between men and women has been a controversial topic since women entered the workforce. Technology roles in particular are seen as a male-dominated. According to recruiter and research firm SGA Executive Research, in 2011 just 16% of IT leadership roles are held by women and they’ll earn between 5% and 20% less than their male counterparts.
This survey shows that women in the hotel industry may be particularly subject to disparities in compensation. Those under the employ of a foodservice franchisee are compensated nearly on par with their male counterparts, and in some cases out-earn them. This issue’s cover story includes the full breakdown on the impact that gender, as well as education, title, and department, have on salaries. We’ll continue to conduct this research for the industry and look forward to tracking positive trends for all involved.
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