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  • Misuse of Company Tech

    When employees use company technology for personal reasons, confidentiality and productivity aren't the only factors at risk. Protect hospitality operations from both legal operational pitfalls by forming and enforcing an inclusive policy.
  • Social Networking's Influence on Guest Buying Behavior

    From user-generated reviews, video and photos, to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, hospitality operators can expect the influence of social networking to take greater hold over their customers' buying decisions in 2009.
  • Engage, on offers IT executives an outlet to read and then discuss their ideas or challenges related to self-service solutions on the social networking community, Engage.
  • PMS Peer Review: April 2009

    Each unique hotel property requires a property management system that best suites its individual needs. Before investing in a PMS, read what operators are saying about their systems in this second annual peer review.
  • The Benefits of Business Intelligence

    A new era of business intelligence tools are enabling hotel managers to proactively ensure that the correct plan is in place to meet financial expectations. Drive staff accountability and cut operating costs with real-time information into business and performance metrics.
  • Inside the CityCenter Guest Room

    The December 2009 opening of the 67-acre CityCenter metropolis is expected to deliver the most technologically-advanced guest rooms anywhere in the U.S. From solutions that foster personal automation to its next-generation networking capabilities, Scot Campbell, senior vice president and CIO for MGM Mirage, takes us inside the guest room technology of the industry's most-watch project.
  • Internet Hotel Booking in Germany Still Growing

    A new study by CHD Expert finds that electronic room sales in Germany are booming for 66% of its top hotels.
  • Boost Hotel Web Booking Revenue

    As the self-booking trend continues to gain momentum in the hotel segment, it is imperative for operators to build an innovative Web presence, in conjunction with new online technology strategies, to capture online revenue. The Strathcona Hotel, recipient of the 2008 eMarketer of the Year award, shares its Web reservation generating secrets.
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