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PBworks Releases Cloud-Based Enterprise Collaboration Software

PBworks, a provider of hosted collaboration solutions for business and education, announced the next generation of its business solution. This release, the most extensive update to PBworks since 2008, leverages improvements in web technologies to deliver a faster, richer, more intuitive service. With this release, PBworks offers a cloud-based collaboration software with massive scalability and the security features enterprise businesses need. Customers can set up thousands of web sites, store multiple terabytes of data and documents, and search through all that content nearly instantaneously. Navigational overhead for common actions has been reduced up to 66%, while the user interface presents an average of 25% more content per screen, allowing business customers to be more productive.
This latest version of PBworks offers users newer technologies, like HTML5, to give businesses a more interactive, scalable, and intuitive collaboration experience. Key enhancements include:
  • The ability to scale a single corporate account to include thousands of individual workspaces and store multiple terabytes of data
  • A streamlined user interface that uses contextual controls to make the product simpler and more intuitive without reducing functionality
  • Universal "faceted" search that allows users to refine search results by a wide variety of parameters including file type and who last edited the document
  • Off-the-shelf LDAP integration, including regular synchronization of user profile information and photos
  • Structured workspace-level properties to allow complex management reporting, filtering and searching
  • Automated transcoding and secure sharing of video files, regardless of format
  • Easy interface customization tools for rapid creation of highly specialized applications such as New Business Hub
  • Detailed usage reports and graphs, broken down by workspace, file, and user
These enhancements are available at no additional charge to all business customers of PBworks. This includes customers of Business Edition, Customer Relationship Edition, Agency Edition, Legal Edition, and New Business Hub. Existing business customers can choose when to upgrade; PBworks will continue to support the previous version of the service during the transition process.
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