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  • Integrating Next Generation Technologies

    Hotel Technology Forum panel discusses emerging integration challenges
  • Commodity Markets

    The value of high-speed Internet access depends on the hotel location.
  • The Contenders

    In the world of hotel management the words property-management system (PMS) have taken on a whole new meaning in the last decade. There was a time when the functionality of the PMS was limited and its greatest value was in how it managed a property. Now, many times the greatest value in a PMS is how it does everything else.
  • Cutting the Cord

    Restaurants take advantage of new peripheral technology
  • Business Intelligence: How Information Integration Can Boost Hospitality Growth

    In an industry as diverse as hospitality, however, the challenge is less about defining BI than about determining what information is most vital to running the business.
  • The Enabler

    Property management evolves from a basic platform, to a sophisticated tool
  • The Power of Security

    Network security breaches continue to threaten customer confidence, productivity, corporate image, and companies' bottom lines
  • Interfacing with the Future

    Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) was founded in June 2002 by a group of hotel executives and technology vendors with the broad objective of addressing the structure of the industry, with the ultimate goal of building systems that would work better together.
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