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The Can't-Miss Headlines of 2011 You Probably Missed

Did you know about the iPhone app from the Department of Labor that may impact wage dispute litigation? Are you aware of the liability risk for websites that aren't compliant with ADA accessibility requirements? As we close out 2011, the editors at Hospitality Technology have identified the year's can't-miss headlines that many of our readers actually missed the first time around.

Server Lockdown: Get PCI-Grade Protection against Malware & Data Leaks

Learn how to protect your POS environment from unauthorized access with sophisticated white-listing technology. This white paper details one merchant's path to PCI compliance, while still avoiding millions of costs in capital expenditures by extending the life of IT current investments.

2011 Kitchen Technology Showcase
HT provides a detailed look at some of the technologies that are helping restaurants operate smarter kitchens. Included: back-office accounting; kitchen displays, display covers, and bump bars; kitchen management hardware & software; and robust printing.

Help for Restaurants to Meet Menu Labeling Requirements
As the industry waits for final FDA regulations for nutritional information disclosure, some restaurants are taking a pro-active approach to prepare. Hear how Au Bon Pain and Firehouse Subs are using technology to make sure their menus will be able to provide calorie counts and more.

Tips for Creating Mobile, Interactive Websites
Websites have entered the 3.0 generation, when access via mobile devices is common place and customers expect content that's integrated with social media. HT talks to hotels and restaurants about Web 3.0 design tips.

Payment Protection in a Cloud Environment
Before moving critical applications into a cloud environment, make sure you understand how virtualization affects PCI compliance.

Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption at the POS
Energy Star calculates that a 10% reduction in your energy costs is equivalent to a 1.26% increase in sales. Make sure your POS is equipped to conserve both cash and natural resources with these tools and strategies.

Federal Labor App Helps Hourly Workers Track Pay, Legal Implication TBD
In May, the U.S. Department of Labor released a free smartphone app, “DOL Timesheet,” that helps employees track their hours independently from their employer. The DOL says the information could prove invaluable during dispute investigations. The app’s ability to hold up in court remains to be seen.

Websites Pose a Liability Risk if Not ADA Compliant (and most aren't)
Your website is mandated to provide certain provisions for accessibility based on Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Familiarize yourself with the recommendations to be truly customer friendly and guard against litigation.

Avoid Mobile Device Mayhem: 5 Tips to Secure Exec's Devices
A must-do for many hospitality IT executives: find a solution to secure the multiple mobile device platforms now in use by executives at the company. Trustwaye says more and more executives' devices are under assault and vendors are rushing to get mobile security applications to market.

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