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Jobs2web Updates Recruitment Marketing Platform

Jobs2web announced at Collaborate 2011, its second annual users’ conference, the release of version 3.0 of the company’s Recruitment Marketing Platform. The Recruitment Marketing Platform (RMP) is Jobs2web’s platform that helps recruiters measure and optimize their interactive recruitment marketing.
Specifically devoted to improving how Recruiting Intelligence is used in Talent Acquisition, this release focuses on the recruiter and their experience with Jobs2web’s award-winning Recruiting Dashboard. Version 3.0 introduces the recruiter to a new Source Report powered by Jobs2web’s Advanced Analytics engine. This new view, deep into the multi-dimensional data mart that supports Advanced Analytics, gives recruiters a more intimate view of the performance of different sources. The new report provides drill-down by source and source type and gives the user advanced charting features to help analyze traffic, apply starts and conversion rates. Additionally, trend charts can be generated on the fly to determine how sources perform over time. Each source trend can overlay on another source trend to contrast and compare performance.
The recruiter experience paradigm also changes in Version 3.0 with the addition of Recruiter Alerts. Rather than going to the Dashboard to mine opportunities and next actions, now the Recruiting Dashboard can dynamically send email alerts to individual recruiters when action needs to be taken on a recruiting or candidate opportunity. With this enhancement, recruiters can customize their own alert criteria and frequency, and have emails with deep links back to the individual candidates sent to them on a regular basis.
The last set of enhancements further improves the tools used by Jobs2web Recruiting Dashboard users every day:
  • URL Builder: This tool allows the recruiter to take a job and quickly generate the proper formatted URL so that a link used in support of a particular campaign has the proper tracking embedded in the URL.
  • RSS Feed Generator: This common method of pushing jobs out to various sources was enhanced with more controls over how the RSS feed will behave and appear.
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