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25+ Biz Collaboration Templates Now Available for Download from PBworks' Template Store

PBworks, a provider of hosted collaboration solutions, recently announced the launch of the PBworks Template Store. Now users can instantly adopt pre-built apps to meet specific business needs. PBworks templates are workspace templates that anyone, even non-developers, can create and distribute, and they take less than a minute to install. The PBworks Template Store is launching with over 25 different apps, and includes both officially-approved and community-generated templates.

The Template Store allows users to create, share, and apply workspace templates to solve specific business problems or manage specific processes for specific industries. This kind of vertical focus and flexibility taps into powerful underlying trends.

Unlike traditional developer platforms, which allow programmers and IT personnel to create custom apps for business units, PBworks is the business platform that allows ordinary businesspeople to build and configure their own custom applications.

Templates include industry and usage-specific examples such as:

  • Advertising Campaign
  • PR Client
  • Product Launch
  • Management Team
  • Departmental
  • Branch Office
  • Handbook/Manual/FAQ
  • Competitive Analysis
The Template Store also lets consultants engage with their customers. Consultants can create templates to reflect their best practices and processes, then reach out to PBworks customers via the Template Store.
The PBworks Template Store is available immediately to all PBworks users, as well as anyone interested in adopting the platform. Currently, all template apps are free, but in the future, template contributors will be able to price and sell premium templates.
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