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ProPay Tackles PCI Education with Risk Resources Launch

ProPay, ETA's 2010 ISO of the Year and the industry provider of end-to-end payment security, credit card processing, and electronic payment services, is proud to debut a suite of resources designed to help educate merchants and help them more easily address data security, regulatory compliance and risk issues. Among these resources are a blog, newsletter and a series of whitepapers.

ProPay's blog provides relevant, objective information on subjects such as payment processing, transaction risk reduction, PCI DSS guidance, regulatory compliance, and legal issues. Contributors include experts on subjects ranging from PCI DSS, risk, law and other regulatory compliance issues. "ProPay Industry and Security News," the company's monthly newsletter, debuted in May 2010. It is designed to keep merchants abreast of relevant industry trends and news. Interested parties can read the blog and register for the newsletter at:

In the same spirit, ProPay has also published a series of whitepapers on industry topics such as Tokenization, PCI DSS compliance, and regulatory compliance. The whitepapers can be downloaded at: ProPay frequently updates the blog and the ProPay Secure site in an effort to keep its clients, and all involved in the payment processing transaction chain, abreast of changes and trends in the industry.

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