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Mobile Engagement tool from RoamingAround lets hotels send targeted offers to guests

 Hotels seeking to build one-on-one relationships with guests can leverage “Mobile Engagement,” a new service from RoamingAround. The solution assists hotels in creating and sending targeted, relevant and timely mobile offers to guests, with the aim of to establishing brand differentiation, building loyalty and increasing revenues.
Using Mobile Engagement, hotel staff will push to guests' personal mobile devices specific offers that will motivate them to become viral advocates for the hotel or brand. These custom offers can also be the incentives that hotels use to spur guest spending.
The Mobile Engagement toolkit makes possible a mobile strategy that includes single and multi-redemption offers, up-selling outlets and room upgrades, Mobile Photo Share, and more. As part of its Mobile Engagement service, RoamingAround will work with hotels to build an opt-in database for mobile communications. For example, if a hotel has an existing marketing campaign that includes billboards, radio, and TV, RoamingAround will attach QR codes to the program to give the viewer a reason to act. Using a call-to-action incentive, such as "Sign up for our mobile offers and receive one night free as our gift" will motivate consumers to engage. If the hotel also has a eMarketing program consisting of banner ads, blogs and their own website to promote the property, RoamingAround will assign widgets to these locations encouraging viewers to "click here" for a special offer. When they click, they are transported to a landing page that asks for further details, such as their name and mobile number. If the offer is impressive enough, the consumer will engage.
RoamingAround also will work with hotels to set-up an automated marketing engine on the back end to enable the hotel to continually re-engage with guests via new campaigns. For example, if the hotel learns that Mr. and Mrs. Smith celebrate their anniversary on August 21, the system will automatically send out a message reading: "We enjoyed having you as our guest for your anniversary in the past, and we know the big event is coming up in August. We would be honored if you would be our guest once again, and to reward you for your loyalty, we will upgrade you to the Honeymoon Suite. Click here to make your reservation."
RoamingAround will gather profile/preference information from all consumer touch points, leverage mobility to spur customers to action and make adjustments in real time, then track and measure all actions for tangible results in ROI and predictive analysis.
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