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Restaurants have New, Free Option for Mobile Web Hosting

ThriveSpot provides free mobile websites, including hosting, to restaurants looking to attract the growing numbers of consumers using mobile formats to find a place to eat and socialize. The free mobile sites also answer growing consumer demand for functionality in restaurant websites by providing direct links for online services such as reservations and ordering, one-click access to menus and other important information, and connections to social-media such as Groupon, FourSquare, and others.
“ThriveSpot helped us easily and quickly get a real mobile presence for all of our concepts and services, which is essential for a restaurant group striving to stay ahead of the curve,” says Jeffrey Gates of Aquitaine Restaurant Group in Boston. “When a consumer visits an existing web address for one of our restaurant concepts from their mobile device, such as for Union in Boston’s South End, they are automatically directed to a special mobile version of our site.”
To help close the gap in the mobile marketplace for restaurants; pubs; bar and grills; and other food and beverage establishments, ThriveSpot has developed a customizable template that enables users to configure a fully-featured mobile website designed specifically for restaurants. Customers coming to the restaurant’s regular website from a mobile device automatically get routed to a more efficient mobile website where they receive essential information about the restaurant, including the ability to locate it, review menu choices, place a call, make a reservation, order a meal, or even request delivery.
Participating restaurants provide product information which is included in a blinded and aggregated pool with similar data from thousands of other restaurants. This anonymous data is used to help both restaurants and suppliers understand and address consumer preferences. By late fall, restaurants will also receive information on how their own establishment is performing compared to a blinded group of similar restaurants in their market.

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