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Poor Cell Phone Reception Keeps Guests from Returning to Hotels

A new U.S. survey says that 54 percent of travelers who cannot get strong cell phone reception at a hotel may never return. And assuming they have the decision-making power, that same basic sentiment applies to office buildings, meeting facilities - and even hospitals and medical centers.

The recent study was commissioned by Repeated Signal Solutions (RSS), a provider of in-building cell and wireless antenna systems. It was conducted among 1,000 adults by a national independent research firm.

Respondents were asked if they would consider switching allegiances after receiving poor or no cell phone reception with all else being equal. Responses ran as high as 57 percent for hotel visitors of certain age and income categories.

When the 35-54 age group was combined with those earning an annual income of $50,000 - $100,000, the overall numbers skewed higher than the national average in every location category.
The U.S. study was based on telephone interviews with 1,000 respondents 18 years of age or older and had an overall margin of error of ± 3%.
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