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Microsoft Releases Environmentally-Friendly, Cost-Saving Dashboard

Microsoft Corp. today announces the general availability of the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The new toolset, available to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 customers at no additional charge, will enable midsize businesses to capture data needed to measure key indicators related to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as part of everyday business processes from within their enterprise resource planning solution, helping them pinpoint ways to cut their energy consumption and costs.

With the new solution, companies can collect auditable data on four of the core environmental performance indicators identified by the Global Reporting Initiative for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, including direct on-premise fuel consumption and the carbon footprint of their power usage with utilities and other vendors. Based on this information, organizations can monitor their carbon footprint and institute business practices that are both environmentally and economically sustainable, minimizing their exposure to fluctuating energy costs, for example.

Targeted reports
The new dashboard harnesses Microsoft Dynamics' RoleTailored design, which equips employees with a personalized Role Center based on the information they need to do their job. The dashboard itself serves as the environmental manager's Role Center, delivering the information crucial to performing that job. Furthermore, these reports can be easily surfaced within employees' individual Role Centers within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 or other familiar productivity tools, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. This allows organizations to increase their internal transparency, drive employee engagement and rapidly raise awareness of environmental initiatives, and propagates green practices and frugal energy usage companywide, embedding them firmly in organizational culture.

Microsoft also details how businesses can implement environmental management accounting principles within Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics NAV to gain greater visibility into their environmental footprint. The resource complements Environmental Management Accounting Guidance issued for Microsoft Dynamics AX in July 2008.
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