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CTIA Report: Mobile Apps Boost Enterprise Bottom Lines

Nearly half (45%) of U.S. enterprise decision-makers from a range of industries agree that wireless applications are important or absolutely essential to remaining competitive, according to a national survey conducted by Harris Interactive for CTIA--The Wireless Association.

The study, Mobility Means Business -- The Wireless Road to Prosperity polled nearly 700
U.S. businesses of all sizes and types.

Despite the economic downturn, business decision makers are allocating budgets to drive mobile deployment. While more than two thirds of respondents (67%) say that their wireless budgets would remain the same in the next 12 months, 17% indicate that they will be increasing their wireless expenditures. The majority of these indicate budget increases in the 6% to 10% range.

Wireless is also taking up a growing proportion of enterprise voice and data infrastructure. The survey shows the wireless portion of respondents' voice and data infrastructure increasing from 35% over the past 12 months to 41% over the next 12 months -- an increase of nearly 20%. 

Respondents on average predict that they'll see a 15% improvement in their bottom lines as a direct result of deploying wireless applications. These bottom-line improvements will be realized through a combination of increased productivity and cost reduction.

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