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Viral Marketing Campaign Launches in Support of Cornell Hotel School

The One Thousand, a community of individuals committed to helping close the financial aid gap at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, has launched a new website initiative with TIG Global. This innovative, social media inspired website was created to unite the hospitality industry during this time of intense economic decline and inspire real, open conversation between individuals and influential executives about the state of the travel industry.

The founders of The One Thousand turned to TIG Global to help create an online marketing presence that would assist them in raising money during this challenging year. Featuring vibrant colors and strong calls to action, TIG Global created the new website as a venue to encourage individuals to join the fundraising community and bring the hospitality industry together. TIG Global established a comprehensive online presence for The One Thousand, including the creation of a Facebook fan page, Twitter account, and a custom blog, which is fully integrated into the homepage of the website. These social media efforts were designed to inform people about The One Thousand initiative, as well as spark conversation with hospitality professionals on various hot topics that have become increasingly important to the industry. To further enhance the user experience and boost visitor traffic, TIG Global created a viral marketing promotion within the website in which individuals are encouraged to "Tell a Friend" about The One Thousand's mission by forwarding an informative message to acquaintances. Website visitors earn points for every $1 donated and for every friend they tell about the program. The points are part of a larger contest to win a trip to New York City and a seat at the prestigious Cornell Hotel School entrepreneurship dinner on Tuesday, June 2, 2009.
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