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TravelClick Web Solution to Help Hotels Maximize Organic Search Traffic

TravelClick, a provider of revenue generating solutions for hoteliers across the globe, launched its Custom Pro web solution, which provides hotels with custom-built web solutions that incorporate functionality developed from TravelClick’s years of experience building hotel websites.
Custom Pro is the newest product available through TravelClick’s Web Solutions group and provides hotels with a custom website design and on-going services with no long-term commitment and no upfront fees. TravelClick’s web team will concept, design and program a distinctive site that is optimized for lead conversion and to maximize organic search traffic. Custom Pro sites utilize best practice functionality including booking widgets, eRFP functionality, e-mail capture, special offers rotators, guest comments, etc. to help hoteliers drive revenue and increase lead flow.
Clients will also receive a robust content management system, on-going maintenance, web hosting, regular search engine optimization (SEO) updates, and a full site re-build every two years at no additional cost.
Additional services can be added for incremental monthly fees, including a mobile website, media services and advanced search engine optimization programs, as well as the development of a social presence on Facebook, TripAdvisor and other review sites.
Hotels will pay a monthly fee for the life of the website and can terminate their subscription at any time. For an addition fee, hotels can choose to use TravelClick’s copywriting services. Additionally, TravelClick will translate the site into a second language at no additional cost.
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