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Sales & Marketing

  • Release 4 of Scala's Scala5 Hits Shelves On Time

    Scala announces that Release 4 of the Scala5 connected signage software is now available for sale. Key features include the integration of Ad Manager with the Scala Content Manager and more.
  • 411Web Launches Cell Phone-Enabled Marketing Solution

    MyCity Alerts allows restaurants to send coupons and special offers to potential customers who are located within a five mile radius of their business.
  • Engage Tech-Savvy Customers with Top Social Networking Tips

    As the use of social networking and emarketing begin to gain more and more popularity, restaurant operators can no longer rely on their websites alone to generate customer loyalty. Learn how to engage Web-savvy customers with these top social networking tips and products.
  • Back to The Future: Meet The Hotel Guest Of 2020

    What will the guest of 2020 expect from their hotel experience? From dynamic packaging to in-room technology and everything in between, explore the thought processes of the guests of the future and learn how technology will play a huge part in the hotel industry in the years to come.
  • Percussion Introduces eMarketing Services

    Percussion Marketing Services unveils three new marketing solutions that will provide operators with an understanding of their industry's Web 2.0 landscape.
  • Chick-fil-A Launches Successful Mobile FKM Campaign in the Face of Ike

    Despite the arrival of Hurricane Ike, Chick-fil-A Houston announces that its mobile text messaging campaign did not deter thousands from opting in to win chicken for a year.
  • POS System Trends 2009

    As the end of a tumultuous 2008 draws near, the majority of hospitality operators are looking for ways to cut costs, curb waste, and coax consumers into their doors. What many may not have considered is that one of their heaviest pieces of artillery in the battle against a downturned economy is their point of sale systems. Hospitality Technology puts a focus on POS trends, functions and releases to find out what exactly this system can do to help restaurants sell more and spend less in 2009.
  • Fight the Economic Storm with Marketing and Sales Strategies: Part 2

    In part one of this three part series, Deloitte examined the outlook for the US consumer of hospitality services and offered the first of four marketing and sales functions that will mitigate financial burdens during this downturned economy. In part two, learn how to achieve financial success by improving spending across sales and marketing channels and by re-evaluating customer segments and touch-points.
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