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PM Hospitality Increases Customer Satisfaction with Web-based Resolution Technology

One of the keys to guest satisfaction and revenue growth is the ability to solve problems quickly.  PM Hospitality Strategies realized that if they could shorten the time from discovery to resolution, before guests even realized there was an issue, they could increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, boost repeat business and generate positive word of mouth that would impact their bottom line.

In 2008, PM Hospitality Strategies installed Web-based hotelServicePro at 11 properties. Today PM Hospitality's properties use hotelServicePro to track and resolve guest problems, generate work orders centrally and at the hotel level, perform inspections and manage preventive maintenance and fixed assets. As a result, they have seen guest satisfaction scores drastically improve. PM Hospitality chose hotelServicePro for its ease-of-use and scalability, which enables all of the staff, from maintenance and housekeeping, to front desk and management to view the work orders and other processes. The system shortens the time required for resolution and automatically escalates problems up the management chain with time triggers if they are not quickly settled.  Ease of use was as important as unlimited scalability for PM Hospitality Strategies because the company is executing an aggressive growth strategy.
"We have added four hotels in three months and each has seen double digit improvement, in problem resolutions since we installed hotelServicePro," says Joseph Bojanowski, executive vice president, PM Hospitality Strategies. "hotelServicePro allows us  to focus our guest service, housekeeping and maintenance resources on the key areas that impact guest satisfaction; customer satisfaction is paramount in the current environment. Our ability to maintain market share, and shift share, is completely dependent on customer satisfaction. Ensuring a trouble-free guest experience is essential, and this Web-based system lets our properties do just that.  When there is a problem, it helps us solve it with a quick resolution and we are able to track them centrally for stronger management oversight." 

Real-time check lists
PM Hospitality Strategies uses hotelServicePro to create, update and deploy real-time check-lists that utilize handheld mobile devices, including the Apple iPhone, for:

  • Preventative maintenance verification
  • Customer service and safety inspections
  • Operational reviews and other customized programs.

The system relays alerts and resolution updates to those who need to be in the know, from housekeeping to management.

"We used to use the customary three-part work order forms to resolve guest issues and other maintenance problems," says Bojanowski. "The Web-based hotelSystemsPro software eliminated the need for multiple manual paper filing systems and storage — so there is even a •green' component to our implementation.  The system has improved our guest service scores and enabled our staff to spend more time with their customers, helping to grow preference and loyalty." 

One of the goals for PM Hospitality Strategies staff is to minimize problems that can be anticipated, such as burned out light bulbs, scheduled HVAC repair and fire alarm testing. Web-based hotelServicePro tracks the lifespan and maintenance schedules of assets and equipment so the property managers receive reminders that guide them to take proactive measures that reduce the time spent on rapid response and last-minute repairs that tax the maintenance teams.

"If you are running effective preventative maintenance and safety programs supported by easy-to-use software tools that the housekeeping and maintenance staff know how to operate effectively, you can operate a much more efficient operation and take care of most problems before the guest checks in," said Bojanowski. "We know there is a direct correlation between loyalty, intent to return, and problem resolution, and hotelSystemsPro provides an excellent tool that enables our staff to be more productive."

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