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PA-DSS Validation & New Networks Mark Latest VeriFone PAYware Transact Release

VeriFone Holdings announces the release of PAYware Transact version 3.2.0, its highly-scalable, OS- and database-independent payment solution that supports high-volume, enterprise level transaction processing for retailers and businesses of any size.

PAYware Transact 3.2.0 offers the following enhancements:

  • Enhanced Payment Security: PA-DSS Validation: VeriFone is proud to announce that of version 3.2.0, PAYware Transact is validated against PA-DSS (Payment Application Data Security Standard) version 1.2. PA-DSS (Payment Application Data Security Standard) is the Security Standards Council's managed program formerly under the supervision of the Visa Inc. program known as the Payment Application Best Practices (PABP). The goal of PA-DSS is to help software vendors and others develop secure payment applications that do not store prohibited data, such as full magnetic stripe, CVV2 or PIN data, and ensure their payment applications support compliance with the PCI DSS.
  • Added Support for Gift Card Processing and Check Processing Via the Secure Payment Systems Network (Terminal Capture): Added support for gift card processing; available for retail, MOTO, e-Commerce, and restaurant business types via Internet connectivity. SPS merchants will have access to fourteen transaction types, including Redemption (Sale), Activation, Add Value, and Balance Inquiry. Also added support for check processing via Internet connectivity, allowing for Sale with Verification, Sale with Guarantee (electronic checks only), Credit, and Void transactions.
  • Other Features: PAYware Transact now offers enhanced efficiency when used with Microsoft SQL Server, allowing for greater authorization transaction throughput and lower database utilization. Additionally, updates were made to PAYware Transact's BIN range recognition functionality (in order to meet Discover IIN compliance requirements). Finally, all users can now change their own passwords--programmatically, via API. Previously, only users with manager access could alter passwords.
  • IBM System i Enhancements: Added fields to the data queue API data structure. The data queue size remains at a maximum data entry length of 9216 (9K) to accommodate future growth.
Providing direct TCP/IP or dial connectivity to a comprehensive list of processors, PAYware Transact can quickly and securely process credit, debit, purchasing cards (levels II and III), stored value gift, loyalty, EBT, and checks.
With its advanced load-balancing capabilities and the ability to support multi-threaded processing, PAYware Transact can process numerous transactions rapidly and simultaneously. It also easily scales to meet the current or future needs of any expanding business, such as the addition of new users/lanes/stores, new sales channels, or seasonal volume increases. PAYware Transact's sophisticated management and report generation tools facilitate improved operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.
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