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New App Allows Diners to Bypass Lines

TimeView LLC has announced the availability of the TimeView app that lets diners join a restaurant waitlist via a smartphone or the web. TimeView is available for iPhone, Android, and online.
TimeView announced the availability of the app after rigorous testing and use in San Francisco area restaurants. TimeView will be available in other major U.S. cities soon, including Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C.
TimeView lets restaurant goers search for restaurant wait times by geographic location, party size and preferences, such as inside or patio seating. Consumers can check wait times, join a waitlist, and then monitor their status on the waitlist via a smartphone or the web. Downloading the app is free, as is searching and reviewing restaurant waitlists. Consumers pay a 99-cent fee to join a waitlist remotely.
For restaurants, the TimeView iPad application replaces pen and paper waitlists and pager systems. When they are busy, restaurants can quickly and efficiently add, seat, manage and communicate with customers. The TimeView software includes preset functions to enhance productivity and many custom features to accommodate unique restaurant needs.

In addition to offering exceptional customer service during peak periods, TimeView helps restaurants fill tables during shoulder times by showing short or no waits for tables. Restaurants that use TimeView instead of, or in addition to, an online reservation system provide better customer service at a dramatically lower overhead.  

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