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Maestro PMS Adds eMarketing Tool to Web Connection Suite

NORTHWIND-Maestro PMS, provider of Maestro enterprise Property Management hotel software and reservation software solutions for the hospitality industry, announced today that it has added a sophisticated Maestro eMarketing Campaign Management and Tracking tool to its •Web Connection' suite. Web Connection featuring the advanced ResWave Booking Engine now delivers the industry's most complete e-Business suite of PMS-integrated online management controls, guest self-serve options, and marketing tools. NORTHWIND also introduced another enhancement to Diamond Plus Service with the rollout of Interactive Web Chat for Support to quickly provide help services that boost staff productivity and knowledge.

Web Connection Total Solution for online revenue, guest self-serve, marketing tools. Web Connection, featuring ResWave, delivers the industry's most comprehensive suite of PMS-integrated online management controls, guest self-serve options, and marketing tools that enable operators to:

  • Maximize room revenue across all channels for multiple properties with real-time proactive Maestro Yield Management
  • Add incremental revenue from guest-driven, self-serve booking of activities and amenities such as Spa, Golf and Dining
  • Have confidence in rate and inventory accuracy with real-time PMS integration
  • Create revenue generating options with Online Dynamic Packages
  • Drive yield strategies with 2-way GDS integration
  • Improve marketing and service with a 360 degree view of each guest
  • Provide online condo & timeshare owner management.
  • Increase loyalty with actionable predictive intelligence from online guest feedback tool (GEM).
  • Increase eMarketing ROI with emails consolidated from all channels and campaign management tools to target and track results.

Suite of e-Business tools
Effective email marketing generates significant return on investment, builds strong customer relationships, and helps hotels understand customers better to increase loyalty. Maestro's new eMarketing Campaign Management solution is the perfect addition to the Web Connection suite and complements ResWave to help hotels increase e-Business. The tool is intuitive and easy-to-use with an extensive feature list that is integrated with many advanced list profiling, reporting, and delivery tools. The flexible Maestro eMarketing solution offers both full service and self-service options and includes the following features:

  • List Management: Manage subscribers, segment lists into target groups and personalize emails easily
  • Content Creation: Create dynamic HTML and text emails or customize pre-designed agency-quality templates
  • Deliverability: Ensure delivery rates are high and maintain good standing with authentication audits, spam scoring meter, list unsubscribe
  • Web Analytics: Geo-tracking, analytics, activity reports of open rates, click thru's and conversions with Google Analytics.

Valuable guest feedback (GEM) increases loyalty
Guest Experience Management, GEM, is a sophisticated automated online Guest Feedback and customer relationship management tool integrated with Maestro PMS featuring detailed reporting, evaluation and collection capabilities to provide operators with Predictive Intelligence.

Enhanced Diamond Plus service
Diamond Plus Service now offers even more to Maestro users including:

  • On Demand Live 1-on-1 Refresher and Advanced Training
  • Maestro for Beginners Education Program
  • Self-Paced E-Learning Webcasts & Online Tutorials
  • Live Training Webinars
  • Self-Solve Online Knowledgebase
  • Transition Assistance
  • Professional Maestro Productivity Audit
  • Version Upgrades and Enhancements
  • 24/7 North-American Based Support.
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