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hotelSystemsPro to Drive Websites Traffic Via Internet Prospecting with New Product Launch

hotelSystemsPro, a pioneer of Web-based enterprise solutions that enable hotel companies to increase market share and revenue through improved property and staff performance, today announced the formal launch of its newest product, hotelWebSpace an online marketing tool. The innovative software is designed to optimize a property's Internet presence and drive increased online reservations through local event opportunities, using landing pages and search engines to target event visitors.

hotelSystemsPro also announced the launch of iSalesPro, the mobile delivery service of hotelSalesPro, its popular Web-based, multi-property enterprise hotel sales system. iSalesPro gives hotel sales teams greater access to the sales tracking software, which streamlines property marketing, reservation booking and contract activity management by property, region, flag and staff. The application, initially designed for iPhone users to allow them quick access to hotelSalesPro via their mobile devices, will be available on other mobile devices in the coming months. With this application users can easily review their calendar, check group and meeting space availability, and add or edit their accounts and contacts as needed, without logging into a computer.

Local marketing opportunities
hotelWebSpace offers properties the opportunity to capitalize on the consumer shift to online travel planning. The user-friendly program quickly enables customers to identify local marketing opportunities such as tournaments, festivals and conventions. Using these results, hotels can customize landing pages that proactively target their intended clients and boost their rankings on popular search engines such as Google, MSN and Yahoo, a key component of any property's search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. hotelWebSpace is currently installed at 550 properties in North America.

Coakley & Williams Hotel Management Company, a high performance management company, has been testing hotelWebSpace at 16 properties during hotelSystemsPro's development phase.

"Our company is already seeing the benefits and revenue potential that hotelWebSpace has to offer," says Mike Parent, vice president of sales and marketing for Coakley & Williams Hotel Management Company. "One of my properties recently booked a $1,700 package from their hotelWebSpace landing page. The shopper was surfing the Internet looking for things to do in the area and our customized event package popped up in the search results. They were so excited; they even booked an additional night."

With the guidance of hotelWebSpace, hotel marketers can create landing pages that link back to the property's website and booking engine, or provide viewers the option of emailing the page to a friend. A blog function, moderated by the property, allows guests to comment on their experiences with the hotel.

Security features in hotelWebSpace enable administrators to control who in the company has user access rights and what information is published to the page. Email alerts can be generated automatically when pages requiring corporate approval prior to publication are ready for review.

Free bi-weekly webinars are provided to teach hotel professionals best practices for maximizing the benefits of hotelWebSpace. Topics can range from developing effective search strings to gathering competitive marketplace information.
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