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Hotels Increase Budgets for Mobile and Social Campaigns

In recognition that smartphone usage is rapidly increasing around the world, global hoteliers are investing more resources into mobile websites and other marketing initiatives. This is according to a recent poll conducted by TravelClick. The poll revealed that 50 percent of hotels plan to put more marketing dollars towards mobile websites and marketing.  Overall, 43 percent of hotels are planning to increase overall marketing budgets for 2012.  Of those surveyed, 34 percent expect to keep their marketing budgets the same as 2011, and only 3 percent plan to decrease their marketing spend. 
The poll, which was conducted during a webinar titled: “2011 Second Quarter Global Hotel Industry Update,” also showed that almost all the attendees polled (95.3 percent) plan to either increase their workforce (50 percent) or keep their workforce the same (45.3 percent).  Of the respondents planning to increase their workforce, 30 percent plan to hire staff specifically for social media. 
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