Fort Lauderdale Grande Hotel and Yacht Club Installs GoConcierge
A total of 20 people at the hotel has access to the system. Associates in shipping and receiving, security personnel and bell staff also use it to help manage packages and lost and found items. By adding efficiencies to these operations, GoConcierge ensures that guests staying at the hotel are provided with the highest level of service.
"GoConcierge is the most efficient system in the industry right now to track requests and tasks," says Marcos Borras, director of Rooms at the property. "It is user-friendly, easy to learn and our concierge team absolutely loves it. We don't have much desk space. We would never be able to run a concierge desk without GoConcierge."
When a package arrives at the hotel, an attendant will log it into GoConcierge. After the package is delivered by bell staff, the open task is closed within the system. Because GoConcierge is password-controlled, Borras knows who handled each package and when. If a room attendant finds an item left by a guest, it is taken to the security department where it is also logged into GoConcierge. After the item is claimed by the guest, the task is closed.
Personnel at a local spa can be given secured access to GoConcierge to monitor reservations coming from the hotel, and departments including room service and sales also can tap into it. The hotel restaurant's chef uses GoConcierge each day to check for amenity requests.
Robust Location Database
A customized location database within GoConcierge enables concierge staff to quickly identify area restaurants and attractions. Links on the GoConcierge screen take users to websites and documents that can be printed or e-mailed to guests immediately.
"The database is great and continues to update it," Borras says.
Reports generated from GoConcierge show managers the volume of reservations sent to car rental companies, area restaurants, and the hotel's own China Grill Fort Lauderdale restaurant. Reports also detail package and lost and found delivery activity. Borras says GoConcierge reports help him with his staff scheduling; they help him project times when the concierge desk will be busiest.