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Crave Interactive Releases eMenu for Hotels to Run on In-room Tablet & Mobile Phones

Crave Interactive announces the release of its e-menu solution, Crave GuestService+, for ordering food and drink from across the hotel property.  Guests access the service using a branded tablet when they are inside the room, or via a smartphone application when they are out-and-about at the property. Orders can be placed for room service or while guests are at hotel restaurants, bars, pool areas and conference rooms. Goods are charged to the room or paid by PayPal or credit card. Hotel bills can be paid without queuing for checkout.
Guests can also access a vast range of concierge services in multiple languages wherever they are; information on hotel amenities is instantly accessible. 

Ratings and feedback are encouraged with integrated social media boosting the hotel’s on-line presence and providing valuable guest feedback. Loyalty club information is integrated and instantly accessible, too.
Hotels benefit from higher guest satisfaction, increased spend per customer and a brand interaction with the guest that lasts long after the visit. The Smartphone app continues to be useful to the guest after their stay, thereby extending the brand experience and enticing them to rebook. 
Crave GuestService+ is powered by Crave Cloud, a software platform designed for large chains as well as independent operations. Crave Cloud is integrated with POS and PMS systems. The hotel operator has complete control in real time over the services offered to guests. Changes in menus or pricing are instant.
Crave Cloud includes analytics and reporting, allowing hotels to understand their guest’s preferences and interests in a manner not previously possible. Services and marketing offers can therefore be managed in an intelligent, personal way that guests will appreciate. The Smartphone app enables an on-going relationship with the guest.
Crave GuestService+ is available in-room on Crave’s 7-inch touch screen tablet with Smartphone apps for IOS (iPhone), Android, Windows and Blackberry.
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