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Cloud-based Mobile System Increases Minibar Profit

ABreez by Mobile Simple is a unique, cloud-based, mobile minibar management solution that is turning manual operations into managed, profitable and guest satisfaction centers. Adding ABreez to a manual minibar costs just a few pennies per room per day to implement, compared to door detection solutions that are more than three-times the cost of a manual system or automated systems that are more than four-times the cost.
ABreez turns a manual minibar operation into a managed system that facilitates real-time direct postings via a mobile app and stores data in the cloud. The mobile solution turns any hotel's in-room amenities offering into a digital profit center despite how it's presented.
Investing in a minibar program only makes sense when hoteliers can justify the investment with a quick and sizeable return. ABreez by Mobile Simple ensures that owners and brands get the best value for each penny invested through cost/benefit analysis.
Within the first year, ABreez not only pays for itself, but it increases a hotel minibar department’s bottom line by at least 20 percent. The ROI grows exponentially year over year because Mobile Simple works with hotels to sell better. By empowering hotel staff to better manage minibar operations, we improve workflow. And as workflow improves, productivity increases. Better productivity also means fewer billing errors. Fewer complaints mean happier guests.
Remember the fundamentals of hospitality: A minibar is an in-room service provided to satisfy a spontaneous guest desire. Therefore, hoteliers must ensure that this service not only satisfies the guest, but it aids in converting each traveler into a loyal customer. Frustration due to billing errors generates social media complaints; today automatic minibars are generating 20% to 30% overbilling items on the guest folio. Hoteliers shouldn't risk guest complaints about minibar overbilling when they have a new alternative that guarantees full control over posting.
ABreez is simple and intuitive for minibar attendants to use . . . it operates in the cloud, so it's secure, scalable and can immediately be deployed . . . and, it's full of data, able to equip managers with the coveted guest profile information they need to get to know their guests better by tracking their preferences and buying behaviors.
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