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  • 1/1/2006

    Getting Down to Work

    Workforce management tools control and enhance labor use
  • 1/1/2006

    Lucky Sevens

    Seven years can pass in the blink of an eye. As I was registering my daughter for kindergarten for this fall, it struck me how quickly time goes by.
  • 1/1/2006

    Research: January 2006

    According to a recent study conducted by PriceWaterhouse- Coopers, IT budgets are on the rise.
  • 1/1/2006

    New Service Model

    Part I: The do-it-yourself ethic hits lodging
  • 1/1/2006

    Independent Solutions

    Independent hoteliers band together for mutual benefit
  • 1/1/2006

    Pinehurst Sporting Digital TV

    Pinehurst Resort upgrades its three historic hotels to a sigNETure TV solution from LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation.
  • 1/1/2006

    The Hills are Alive With HSIA

    Hotels expand coverage to lure business and leisure travelers
  • 12/1/2005

    Building Better Service

    In restaurant settings, POS systems typically handle food orders, operate as smart cash registers, and perform other mission-critical functions such as labor management, scheduling, food ordering/inventory and even accounting.
  • 11/1/2005

    Hear and Now

    These days hospitality providers are swimming in an alphabet soup of acronyms, what with guests demanding everything from Wi-Fi to DSL Internet access.
  • 11/1/2005

    The Power of Time

    Scheduling a hospitality workforce has become a costly nightmare, especially for those with changing service requirements.