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  • 3/1/2006

    Knowledge is Power

    KnowFat leads a lifestyle change in the restaurant industy
  • 3/1/2006

    Faster Data, Better Decisions

    Tell a manager the results he got three weeks ago, and he's likely to recollect some of the decisions and ideas that fed into it. Tell that manager the results from yesterday, and he or she will recall a lot more detail. An hour ago? Even better. And if you can predict what will happen when the next shift end, then it is a whole new world.
  • 3/1/2006

    The Power of Security

    Network security breaches continue to threaten customer confidence, productivity, corporate image, and companies' bottom lines
  • 3/1/2006

    2006 Loyalty Report

    Customer experience management seeks to align strategy, business culture, customer information, and technology for mutual benefit and to enhance experiences and long-term brand value as a result.
  • 1/1/2006

    Lucky Sevens

    Seven years can pass in the blink of an eye. As I was registering my daughter for kindergarten for this fall, it struck me how quickly time goes by.
  • 1/1/2006

    Independent Solutions

    Independent hoteliers band together for mutual benefit
  • 1/1/2006

    Pinehurst Sporting Digital TV

    Pinehurst Resort upgrades its three historic hotels to a sigNETure TV solution from LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation.
  • 1/1/2006

    The Hills are Alive With HSIA

    Hotels expand coverage to lure business and leisure travelers
  • 1/1/2006

    Test Center

    When testing a product it is always important to put it through the most rigorous situations possible.
  • 1/1/2006

    Through Thick and Thin

    Thin client applications are finding a niche in hospitality