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App Puts Guests in Direct Contact with Hotel Staff

Mosurv has announced the launch of their self-titled mobile app for the lodging and restaurant industry. Mosurv allows customers of any lodging facility that subscribes to Mosurv’s services to always be connected with hotel staff via smart phone. The app makes it effortless for guests to order room service, have the front desk call up a taxi, or book outings through the concierge – the options are endless. Mosurv helps businesses provide an outstanding customer experience, and increases sales, all while adding to the overall convenience of lodging experience, without the exchange of personal phone numbers.
Mosurv allows the lodging facility to display custom menus to guests. They can choose to display room service menus, housekeeping options, concierge services, front desk services, or anything they think will improve customer experience and loyalty. The app is very user friendly and after simply selecting the lodging facility from a GPS generated list and entering in a room number the app closely resembles texting. Guests no longer have to dig through old fashioned directories to find the services and amenities they desire, it’s all just 3 taps away on their phone.

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