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Voyat Intros a Smart CRM Platform to Increase Hotel Revenue

Voyat announces today that it is launching out of beta with $1.8 million in seed funding led by Metamorphic Ventures, Eniac Ventures, BoxGroup as well as various strategic angel investors, including Brett Crosby, co-founder of Google Analytics.
The company introduces the first two products from the Voyat platform: V-CRM and V-Direc?t?, which will provide hotels with guest analytics and business intelligence gathered from a wide network of potential and actual hotel guest information. Voyat has piloted with leading hospitality brands and is entering the space in partnership with Morgans Hotel Group, The New York Palace, and W Hotels.

Voyat’s platform and products can be seamlessly integrated into every hotel’s website, on-property Wifi, concierge applications or existing/legacy data storage systems. As guests sign onto the hotel’s Wifi or website using a social network profile such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or even email, Voyat automatically creates a smart interactive profile for guests that consists of a wide variety of metrics. V-CRM has increased the marketable guest audience that way up to 500% for its beta clients.

Complementing this is V-Direct, which allows hotel staff to offer custom services, discounts or offers that meet the guests loyalty level and individual preferences to ultimately increase direct bookings. V-Direct enables hotels to both communicate in a highly targeted manner, and increase conversion rates across acquisition channels as a result.

How V-CRM works:
Data collection via WiFi Integration: enables social authentication, manages data profiles, redirects to the hotels’ individual landing page
Ability to analyze each audience: traffic of how many guests are at each property, guest demographics and behavior of what they are interested in, insights into what guests are buying and key trends across each property to see what is changing over time
Allows hotels to identify the most loyal and valuable guest: Voyat algorithmically identifies key guest attributes, tags each guest with a loyalty score, and makes CRM interactive and actionable for hotel managers
How V-Direct works:
Allows hotel to communicate one on one: hotels can increase guests engagement directly by sending targeted email campaigns or social notifications to guests in real time.
Promote services & offers in real time: V-Direct promotes the right services, to the right guests, at the right time - to increase revenue per available room.
With V-CRM and V-Direct, Voyat connects a large range of data sources to drive guest personalization and re-targeting opportunities, and provides powerful analytics to help increase revenue and customer satisfaction.
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