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VIZERGY Offers New Products to Make Facebook Transition Easy

To help hoteliers adapt to and benefit from Facebook Timeline, VIZERGY has several new Timeline products. Each product is centered on imagery, as Timeline pages emphasize larger photos as main content. With the often short attention span of travel shoppers and countless sites visited during research, large custom created images serve to form a longer lasting impression of hotels, benefitting both parties.
VIZERGY’s new Timeline offerings, all created to help hotels seamlessly adapt to Timeline, enhance engagement and make impressions that send consumers down the path of making direct online bookings, are:
Cover Image Set – The first thing visitors see, properties can best show off their property with custom, integrated cover image, tagline and profile picture sets.
Property Showcase Images – Custom built images placed on Timeline to highlight only properties’ best photos.
Promotional Images – Allow properties to better promote special offers and drive bookings via Facebook.
Cover Photos – Designed specifically so that Facebook fans can download and share on their own Timelines, creating more social real-estate for hotels.

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