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Trust International Integrates Online Reputation Monitoring into yourVoyager CRS

Imagine being able to search millions of statements customers made about your hotel on message boards, blogs or other online sites such as and analyzing exactly what is being said and how it's being said -- and being able to search for specific statements about particular aspects of your hotel and having complete access to the original statements at the click of your mouse. Every Trust International yourVoyager customer will now have that valuable capability since Trust has integrated TrustYou, an independent quality search engine, into yourVoyager.

TrustYou-Analytics allows hotel chains and single hotels to get a complete overview of their online reputation and actively manage social media and guest reviews. TrustYou summarizes all Internet reviews in a single location so hotels can respond quickly and appropriately to praise or criticism on a case-by-case basis or as a new trend takes shape in order to manage their reputation.

Trust International is making TrustYou-Analytics, with several preformatted reports, including the statements about the hotels, available to all of its customers on their yourVoyager landing page. The hotel group can easily upgrade to the entire TrustYou-Analytics package customized to the hotel group's requirements. yourVoyager is Trust´s new CRS platform which includes centralized reservation system (CRS) functionality for hotels plus one-click dashboards on performance, yield management, rate shopping and now reviews.

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