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Survey Reveals Brand-Sponsored Games Drive Consumer Action

Dailybreak Media, the social engagement platform designed to drive brand participation and consumer action at scale, has released the third installment of data findings from its “Dailybreak Brand Engagement Survey,” an analysis soliciting consumer feedback on the ways they engage with brands. Survey results showed that today’s consumers gravitate towards games and contests, and that gamified content is popular across every major age bracket surveyed.
The Dailybreak Brand Engagement Survey polled consumers across all major age groups, including millennials, GenX’ers and baby boomers. By asking respondents how they engaged in online gameplay or contests, as well as the platforms they used to access those challenges, Dailybreak gained important visibility for brands evaluating the usefulness of gamified content for driving deeper engagement.
The survey showed that surprisingly, millennials were not the front-runners as those most likely to engage in games or challenges when presented with the option. Baby Boomers were the audience most likely to participate in a contest, yet all demographics indicated the likelihood to share personal information in a contest if there was a potential for reward.
More than 40% of respondents to the Dailybreak Brand Engagement Survey said they played games on their smartphone, while over 30% did so on the Internet; 43% of respondents said they had played a game, challenge or entered a contest that was sponsored by a brand.
Overall, Baby Boomers represented the demographic most likely to have knowingly played a game or participated in a contest, with 49% of respondents doing so. 45% of Gen-X respondents had done so knowingly, followed by millennials at 40%.
Contests – and the promise of rewards – drove consumers to willingly share their personal information with brands. Nearly 43% of respondents said they were somewhat likely to share personal info by participating in a contest, and 31% said they were very likely to do so if there were rewards involved. 
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