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The State of IoT in Hospitality

With more and more individuals adopting connected devices at home, what consumers expect to be a part of the guest experience at hotels and restaurants has changed dramatically. Data reveals that  hotel operators recognize this fact as 18% profess they are planning rollouts and upgrades to IoT platforms, double what it was in 2017, according to Hospitality Technology’s 2018 Lodging Technology Study. When restaurant operators were asked to identify the top five next-generation technologies that will have an impact, 68% of overall respondents and 80% of digital leaders put Internet of Things (IoT) innovation at the top of the list. Restaurant operators are not clamoring quite as much to put their IT strategy eggs into the IoT basket with 9% having IoT as part of their innovation agenda for 2018, according to HT’s 2018 Restaurant Technology Study.

Overall, data indicates that while hotels and restaurants realize IoT is the technology of the near future, they aren’t quite sure how to implement it in practical ways. To help operators better understand the possibilities IoT affords, this article highlights common business problem areas for both hotels and restaurants and offers specific ways in which IoT technology could solve them.

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