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PAR Springer-Miller Supports HTNG at the Benefactor Level

PAR Springer-Miller Systems, Inc.(PSMS), a wholly owned subsidiary of PAR Technology Corporation and provider of guest-centric hospitality management systems, demonstrates its continued support for Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) by becoming a Benefactor-level member of the organization. HTNG is a global trade association that fosters, through collaboration and partnership among hoteliers and technology providers, the development of next generation systems.
A strong supporter of HTNG since its inception in 2003, PAR Springer-Miller remains an active participant in a number of HTNG Workgroups and incorporates the HTNG standards in a variety of their products and services.
As a Benefactor member of the organization, executives from PAR Springer-Miller recently conducted a three-hour dialogue with the HTNG Board of Directors at the 2011 North American Member's Meeting in San Diego, California. During this session, PAR Springer-Miller listened carefully to the comments, observations, and suggestions voiced by the board members and previewed their ATRIO hospitality technology platform. The executives from PAR Springer-Miller presented their vision for hospitality technology that incorporated contemporary technologies, true cloud-computing, an enterprise service bus, and a highly innovative user experience.
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