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Next-Gen Marketing Offers Added Bonus of Sustainability

Restaurants, bakeries and cafes have become increasingly interested in sustainable business practices; sourcing local products, reducing waste, and giving back to the community.  Cupcake Royale, has been committed to sustainability from the start, sourcing premium ingredients from local farmers whenever possible. Its milk comes from local dairy farmers, eggs are cage free and organic and the flour comes from wheat farmers in Eastern Washington.
When sustainable business practices are part of what defines your brand, it’s crucial to implement marketing tactics that also maintain those same sustainable practices.
Here are three simple ways Cupcake Royale has been able to implement sustainable marketing practices:

Reduce Waste
Marketing can be wasteful. Think of all of the paper coupons that are printed; all the direct mailers that get shoved in mailboxes and tossed away. Cupcake Royale has found “going mobile” can eliminate some of the waste that’s created through traditional marketing tactics. The Friends of Cupcake Royale app is both a mobile payment and loyalty app through which Cupcake Royale is able to market its brand in a sustainable way.
Built on the LevelUp platform, customers can easily pay with the branded app by scanning their phone at checkout, and guests are automatically rewarded for repeat purchases - no coupons, vouchers or cards required. Offers and promotions are delivered via email and exist digitally within the app. The Friends of Cupcake Royale app also helps reduce paper waste by delivering push notifications and email receipts, rather than printed paper that gets discarded.

Think Local
Sometimes using produced materials are necessary. But sustainable printing options are available. At Cupcake Royale, all of our cupcakes are packaged in boxes printed locally with eco-friendly soy-based inks. The best part? Everything is 100% compostable.

Give Back
Another great way to sustainably increase brand awareness is to give back to customers and community. Customers automatically receive a small reward on their birthday through the app. Customers can also earn rewards by referring friends, right from their phones. As for community, Cupcake Royale donates over 40,000 cupcakes annually to help raise funds for local non-profits. It’s a great way to deepen  ties with local neighborhoods and build an emotional connection with customers.
It takes effort to maintain sustainable business practices on a regular basis, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Taking advantage of a mobile payments platform like LevelUp’s can open doors to reducing waste while creating meaningful relationships with your customers. Finding local options for printing with reusable materials while giving back to your neighborhood can create goodwill within your community that will be rewarding in ways beyond measure.
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