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New Consumer App makes Mobile Commerce Easier for Brick & Mortar Businesses

The launch of Pago Mobile offers brick and mortar businesses a new way to interact with their customers through smartphone technology. Customers can now browse, order and pay for local goods and services, saying goodbye to waiting in line and moving through their daily transactions with ease. Using an iPad that connects to their existing point-of-sale system, businesses can know who their customers are, provide deals on what they really want, and reward loyalty as easily as sending an e-mail.
Pago is now available at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, and has been launched in more then 50 businesses in Mountain View, California, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Mountain View.
Merchants can easily accept Pago with no startup costs. Pago links with the POS or can operate standalone. With Pago, merchants receive and view transactions on an iPad that interacts with a free consumer app. The consumer app is now available for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry (and coming soon to Windows Phone 7).
Pago also includes in-depth social features that enable consumers to share recommendations and reviews through Facebook and Twitter and send gifts to friends. Merchants can benefit from the community created around their businesses, and from a review system that only accepts and incorporates feedback from real customers who have made purchases.
Mountain View Aims for 75% Acceptance Rate
The launch in Mountain View includes a wide variety of businesses from all service sectors, with both local and national merchants on board. For instance, meals can be purchased at restaurants like Clocktower Coffee, Sunny Bowl, and La Salsa.
"Mountain View is the epicenter of Silicon Valley innovation and we are thrilled to support Pago's launch because it helps retail businesses take advantage of mobile commerce,” says Oscar Garcia, Chamber of Commerce of Mountain View’s president and CEO. “We partner with technology companies who can deliver F.A.S.T results to Chamber members: Facilitate commerce, provide a competitive Advantage, deliver Sustainable revenue and help businesses be a Trendsetter. Pago delivers on F.A.S.T. and removes many of the hassles of daily transactions and provides benefits to both the consumer and local businesses." Mountain View is targeting to have 75% of all of its merchants accepting Pago by the end of the year.

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