BurgerFi's Diverse Delivery StrategyBy utilizing the integrated network of third-party delivery vendors, BurgerFi has allowed third-party delivery apps that do not feature BurgerFi to be included in the pool to bid for their business. Third-Party Delivery Boosts Pizza Chain's Bottom LineYour Fare online ordering system helped Amici's East Coast Pizzeria to quickly shift its 10 locations to takeout and delivery-only. Taco Bell Updates Digital Experience, Loyalty Program Hotels: You Need a Disaster Plan Disaster plans allow hotel management to clearly communicate with staff the steps they need to take to stay safe. Interel and SuitePad Announce Technology Integration Enabling Guest-Room Control Through Tablets Combined technologies reduce guest room touch points, supporting a cleaner environment. Rebuilding Consumer Confidence in Hospitality Will Be a Long-Term Process Using audit technology to show safety measures are being taken will make customers feel more comfortable during these uncertain times. Italian Restaurant Chain Expands into Delivery Panino Giusto leans on Oracle's cloud-based POS to support its off-prem pivot. Virgin Hotels' App Upgrade Allows Guests to Bypass Front Desk and Check-In App also allows guests to control lights, thermostat, television, as well as order room service from anywhere on property. WinqBid Partners with eRevMax to Make Its Hotel Booking App Available to Hoteliers Worldwide Users of the WinqBid platform can set alerts for dates and hotel properties not yet available and be notified when they go on sale. Moe’s Kiosk-Only Restaurant is Optimized for Off-Prem This Moe's Southwest Grill in Pittsburgh includes four kiosks, a second make line, and curbside pickup. First Previous 79 80 81 82 83 Next Last