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Lodging Interactive Launches HuBBub Social Media Platform for Hotels

Lodging Interactive, an interactive marketing agency servicing the hospitality industry, announces the roll out of HuBBub, its Travel 2.0 Marketing Services for Hotels.

Through the HuBBub Social Media Platform hotels can leverage Travel 2.0 technologies to maximize their online reach through conversational marketing opportunities on major social media websites such as Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo, Twitter and many others.

The HuBBub Social Media Platform is a turn-key marketing service which leverages Travel 2.0 technologies to extend a hotel's online branding, marketing and communication strategies. HuBBub combines blogging, RSS feed syndication, Twittering and email harvesting with hotel profiles on Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, Photobucket, Squidoo, Wikipedia and others.

The HuBBub Social Media Platform resides at the center of it all and provides RSS feed syndication which "pushes out" hotel specials, promotions and announcements to subscribers. In addition, HuBBub is fully integrated with the major social media websites via Travel 2.0 custom widgets and badges. The result is fast and cost-effective distribution of a hotel's marketing communications to millions of potential social media members.
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