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ISISPOS Supports iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

ISISPOS’ restaurant POS software now supports the iPod touch and iPhone, in addition to iPad. ISISPOS support for Apple products allows servers to take orders and process payments directly in front of their customers, rather than visiting a busy, fixed workstation.
Servers can visit tables with the iPod touch or iPhone for pairing suggestions on the spot, an easy to use wine selection mode, and a way to display daily specials with just the touch of a button. ISISPOS automates all pricing, including support for discounts, service charges, split checks and much more. Additionally, managers utilizing the mobile manager application for iPod touch and iPhone can oversee their restaurant on a completely wireless basis.
ISISPOS offers a pay-as-you-go model for its restaurant POS products. The pay-as-you-go model minimizes financial risk because there are no up-front costs.

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