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hotel SystemsPro Enhances Online Marketing Solution

hotel SystemsPro has announced it enhanced its widely-installed hotel WebSpace internet marketing software solution to drive more bookings for hotel operators. hotel WebSpace, used by nearly 2,000 properties, enables operators to quickly create custom search-engine optimized landing pages aligned with local market opportunities that attract visitors to their city or area. New landing page software features let operators track landing-page traffic, quickly and easily customize their landing pages with property photos, and provide a one-stop-shop for online training and user certification.  
New hotel WebSpace features include:
hotel WebSpace Analytics enable operators to measure the traffic to their hotel WebSpace landing pages by tracking ‘page open’ metrics for both PC and mobile device access.
Custom Banners – hotel SystemsPro now provides custom banner development using property logos and art to seamlessly brand a property’s hotel WebSpace landing pages.
hotel WebSpace Certification recognizes when hotel marketing teams are fully trained to utilize all of hotel WebSpace’s advanced online marketing tools.
Client Support Portal – It is now easier than ever to use hotel WebSpace. The hotel WebSpace product now includes a “training tab” that takes users to its new client support portal. This portal includes new feature information, help documents and online training.

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