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HITEC 2017 NEWS: RMS Hotel to Give Attendees an Interactive Virtual Tour of The Hospitality Cloud

Next month at the Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference (HITEC) in Toronto, to be held June 26 to 29 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, RMS Hospitality Solutions is inviting attendees to experience the RMS Hotel, located in Booth #117.  Beginning June 12, hoteliers can make an online reservation for a booth visit using the RMS Booking Engine.
Upon arrival at the RMS Hotel / Booth #117, attendees will check-in one of three ways at a virtual front desk (with an agent, online or via tablet) and obtain a mobile key via RMS integration with a leading mobile key provider (to be announced at HITEC) to unlock their virtual guestroom. Via the RMS point-of-sale system, attendees can grab some lite food and beverage and charge it to their virtual room, then enjoy their snacks while getting further details on RMS – The Hospitality Cloud.
RMS – The Hospitality Cloud is an above-property platform comprised of web-based modules for PMS, POS, channel management, booking engine, guest marketing, business intelligence and more. At HITEC Toronto, RMS will unveil three new solutions – a Guest Portal, Housekeeping Portal, and an Event/Sales & Catering Module – residing on The Hospitality Cloud. In addition, key integration partnerships will be revealed with a leading Channel Manager, Mobile Key provider, and another significant channel partner.
According to the 2017 Lodging Technology Study, "hotel CIOs are prioritizing digital customer engagement this year (52% in 2017 compared to 32% in 2016)." This means hoteliers are realizing that "experience is what sells." At HITEC Toronto, RMS is showcasing how The Hospitality Cloud is delivering those experiences.
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