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Evergage Recommend Adds New Recommendation Capabilities

Evergage, a provider of real-time personalization for online marketers like Travelzoo, unveiled Evergage Recommend, an integrated recommendation system that is a native part of a full testing, targeting and personalization solution. This new offering builds on the foundational real-time personalization capabilities of the Evergage Platform, incorporating dynamic suggestions of pertinent products or pieces of content that are intended to resonate with individual visitors.
Leveraging deep behavioral analytics and insights, Evergage Recommend delivers these suggestions based on visitors’ expressed or implied preferences, as well as the aggregated browsing and past purchase behaviors of other visitors. This enables marketers to more completely act upon customer intent and respond with the most relevant recommendations, improving customer experiences and increasing conversions. 
Unlike standard point-solution recommendation engines, Evergage Recommend says it gives marketers greater flexibility and control with the ability to utilize pre-built algorithms, build their own from scratch, or customize pre-built formulas by defining various parameters. Once created, recommendations can be deployed anywhere within a website by a marketer, not just placed in fixed positions. 
Evergage users are familiar with the company’s deep analytics, easy campaign creation, robust targeting, A/B and multivariate testing, and attribution capabilities. But now, the company is innovating in recommendations. To date, standard recommendation solutions have continued to operate in a silo, cut off from testing, segmentation, customer data and analytics. Evergage Recommend bridges this gap in five key ways:
  1. Control – The recommendation algorithms aren’t hidden in a “black box”. Instead, Evergage provides complete transparency so marketers can see the details and implications of their product or content recommendation strategies, modify them or create new ones from scratch.
  2. True Intent – Where other recommendation solutions have traditionally leveraged product popularity data based on clicks or purchases, Evergage also factors in deep individual visitor behavioral data – including time spent and overall engagement – to deliver highly targeted recommendations based on true intent and personal preferences.
  3. Relevancy – Deeper data and better algorithms enable Evergage-powered recommendations to consider individual affinity, segment and survey response data along with overall intent, resulting in greater relevancy and effectiveness.
  4. Real-Time Catalog – The solution does not require companies to integrate with product or content catalogs via APIs. Instead, catalog data is collected in real time as visitors browse the site so it can be used instantly for personalized recommendations.
  5. Complete Personalization Solution – Seamless integration with the core Evergage Platform and other modules enables marketers to optimize recommendations per audience, place them anywhere on a Web page, A/B test different strategies, and even utilize CRM, segment, survey and social affinity data.
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