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California Hotel Implements Non-Toxic, Sustainable Tech for Eliminating Coronavirus on Property

Spanning 100 acres along the cliffs of Big Sur, Post Ranch Inn offers 40 uniquely designed rooms, each with panoramic vistas of the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Los Padres National Forest to the east. Many guestrooms are individual structures, with no interior corridors or elevators, and separate entrances which means that guests rarely encounter others when walking the property or hiking the miles of dedicated trails. During these unusual times, this design makes it an ideal place to vacation while also practicing social distancing. 

Post Ranch Inn has long been interested in sustainable hospitality, including the importance of creating a healthy environment for guests and staff. In the wake of COVID-19, the management team, along with an advisory panel of experts, worked around the clock to reevaluate every aspect of its operating protocols. As a result, Post Ranch Inn adopted a science-backed, non-toxic, self-disinfecting, hygienicsustainable cleaning and disinfection solution called Premium Purity™, developed by Denmark-based company ACT.Global.

“I learned about Premium Purity when a  Post Ranch guest emailed me some information she received from Lindblad Expeditions and their use of the solution,” said Post Ranch Owner Mike Freed. “Sven Lindblad is a friend of mine, so I checked in with him and he gave it a big thumbs up. He confirmed that  it was both extremely effective in reducing colds and viruses on his ships, and that it was a sustainable way to kill microbes, bacteria, VOCs and viruses. From there we started researching the company, spoke to the scientists and retained a group to confirm the efficacy of the solution.”

Post Ranch is the first hotel in the United States to utilize Premium Purity – a two-step, non-toxic, hygiene solution. While other hotels have disinfecting protocols, many use harmful chemicals such as ammonia or that are bleach-based and that offer "spot" or temporary disinfection. Premium Purity, works differently.

First, the Post Ranch applies a non-toxic ACT CleanCoat™ to ALL indoor surfaces exposed to light, rendering them self-disinfecting through photocatalysis, which decomposes microorganisms including bacteria, molds, and viruses, as well as VOCs, resulting in anti-microbial surfaces and cleaner air for 12 months after initial application. This process converts passive surfaces into active participants in disinfection of both surfaces and air, in a sustained and sustainable manner.

Second, the Post Ranch applies ECA Water daily as an all-in-one cleaning solution and disinfectant, replacing other potentially harmful conventional cleaning chemicals. ECA Water follows CDC guidelines, is Green Seal approved, and is an EPA-registered disinfectant under the name Annihilyte-1 (#92449-1). ECA Water is a combination of water and salt that has been electrically charged and activated. After application, it leaves no lasting chemical residue, reverting to salt and water. ACT.Global has provided Post Ranch with the equipment to produce the ECA Water on site, which reduces plastic waste and toxins associated with cleaning while providing a hospital grade disinfection that is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and safe for guests and staff. All Post Ranch vehicles are also properly disinfected with ECA Water.

It was important to Freed that the Post Ranch use non-toxic products that were safe for guests but also effective at disinfecting the property.

“The disinfection procedures of using a toxic product, primarily ammonia-based or bleach-based, has negative impacts on both staff and guests,” Freed noted. “All you need to do is to read the literature, and as a company that considers sustainability a key component of the guest and staff experience, we had no interest in potentially solving one problem (killing the coronavirus) and creating a new problem (potentially harming our guests and staff). So why wouldn’t you want to look for a solution that not only kills the virus, both on the spot and in the air, and also improves the guest and staff experience, plus saves time and money in the process?”

To ensure guests are aware of the steps they’re taking to safely clean and sanitize the Post Ranch Inn, Freed says the company is using both email and the hotel website to communicate its use of Premium Purity. But it’s going one step further. It is also allowing guests to have ECA Water while on property to use as they wish – and – they’re even giving them samples to take home and use in their own personal living spaces.

“We feel other hotels will absolutely follow our example and move towards a more sustainable approach to cleaning,” Freed said. “While there is an initial upfront cost for this technology, the ROI makes up for it! It saves on labor and we never have to buy cleaning products again.”

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