- 5/16/2023
Why Adopting a Digital Communication Strategy Is Critical to Business Survival
The way guests are choosing to communicate with hotels is changing, but the fundamental importance of one-to-one engagement remains the same. - 5/15/2023
A Diverse Workforce Requires Determination and Purpose
It takes some work to rethink how to recruit and hire a more diverse workforce, but the end result is a more innovative, motivated and profitable organization. - 5/15/2023
Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US Predicts Green Building Trends
Interest in eco-friendly commercial buildings is on the rise and scrutiny of organizations’ ESG initiatives mean building owners’ and other stakeholders’ reputations and revenue depend upon them taking steps to become more sustainable. - 5/15/2023
How Are Top Independent Resort Operators Leveraging Their Tech Stack to Increase Revenue?
Resorts are embracing technology to improve cross-selling and ancillary revenue. - 5/14/2023
How Hotel Marketers Can Jump on the ChatGPT Bandwagon
ChatGPT is not going to replace you, but it could make your job much easier. - 5/10/2023
Employee Training in a Post-Pandemic World
Weeks of classroom training and shadowing experienced employees is no longer a possibility for hotel and restaurant brands. Instead brands should consider short training videos, gamification and embedding training within the tools their employees use daily. - 5/9/2023
Will Hoteliers be Eager to Adopt PXMS?
PXMS focuses on the guest experience (X) beyond the guestroom and enables resort leaders to sell their experience-based inventory with as much flexibility as their rooms. - 5/9/2023
HT Talks Tech: Alex Sambvani, Co-Founder,
While working at Spotify, two data scientists discovered how powerful and beneficial an AI-powered phone concierge could be for the hospitality industry. - 5/8/2023
Hotel CEOs, CTOs Could Be Held Personally Responsible for Cybersecurity Breaches After Drizly Precedent
An FTC investigation alleging a CEO is personally responsible for a data breach highlights how travel brand executives could be held personally responsible for the company's cybersecurity shortfall. - 5/4/2023
Personalized Wellness Experiences Elevate Hotel Stays
Now, is the perfect moment for hotels to incorporate innovative touchpoints that center on health and wellness.