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Vacation Rental Companies Score Big Revenue with Automated Database Mining Solution

Burr White used NAVIS Reach for 71 days and generated $329,000 in new bookings. Another NAVIS client, TradeWinds Island Resorts in Florida, uses NAVIS 360 CRM and Reach messaging technology to make guests feel special before they arrive. NAVIS Reach email campaigns generated more than $2 million for TradeWinds through July 2014 with an open rate of 22%.   
NAVIS Reach mines and combines guest, and prospective-guest data from separate system databases to create targeted, narrowly segmented marketing lists. These effective lists include household personas that combine attributes, behaviors and preferences, all customizable. Multiple contacts living at the same address can be put into one household for consistent messaging. Reach uses the data to design, create and execute highly effective, targeted email campaigns and track campaign results in real time.  
Burr White is on track to make $500K to $1M in new revenue. The company uses Reach to contact people who have ‘paid and stayed’ as well as those who have only inquired.  
TradeWinds implemented NAVIS Reach in early 2014. Reach email campaigns generated more than $2 million since then. The system automates all the tasks for campaigns. TradeWinds uses NAVIS Reach to send the ‘first-touch’ message without an offer to people who have not stayed before. If they open the message for more information, the system automates a follow-up message with a targeted offer.  Once a week TradeWinds uses Reach to send automatic emails to people who have not booked in the seven days since it first contacted them. The open rate for Reach emails has increased 25% over the normal ‘eblast’ process. Conversion increased 20%.
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