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Trust International to Display Real-time Rates & Availability on Google

Trust International, a global CRS provider for hotel chains and representation companies, will have their hotels listed in a Google feature showing hotel prices and availability against relevant searches on Google Maps and on related Place pages. In addition, Trust acts as an authorized reseller of Google’s AdWordsTM – an online advertising program that enables its 60+ global hotel chains customer base access to finding and booking room reservations on the web.
Trust is offering its customers worldwide access to the prices and availability of its hotels through a pay-for-click advertising module connected with the full inventory of the hotel chain in the Trust CRS solution.
  • Allowing users to simply enter their trip dates in Google Maps and find real prices on selected listings alongside other useful organic listing;
  • Clicking on the price to reveal the price on the hotel’s website in addition to a list of advertisers such as OTAs who have provided pricing information for the hotel, and;
  • Using a deep link that reserves rooms on the hotel’s own website.
The new service is available now on Google Maps and Google Place pages and in many of Google's international domains, including Americas, Europe and Asia.
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