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Restaurant Pager Firm Evolves to Enhance the Full Customer Experience

Long Range Systems (LRS) has unveiled a new company logo and website aimed at transforming its brand from paging company to leading provider of tools and services that enhance the guest experience and organizational efficiency across multiple industries, from restaurants and retail to hospitality and healthcare.
LRS innovated the first guest pager for the restaurant business in 1991 and quickly became a leader in the industry, as reflected in its domain name at Although its comprehensive suite of tools and services has long been used in many industries, LRS’ reputation to date has been dominated by its legacy waitlist product. The time was right to change that.  
In addition to a host of messaging tools that started with pagers, the company has rapidly expanded its focus to help customers increase guest interactions, improve delivery and service times and monitor guest satisfaction in real-time, all to improve guest satisfaction and retention levels.   
Today, LRS’ integrated tools and applications are used not only to make service companies more productive when serving guests, but also to help those businesses operate more efficiently. The tools minimize the number of unattended waiting guests and quickly identify bottlenecks and incomplete service levels that hurt the customer experience. LRS wanted its brand to reflect the growth and evolution of the company and the numerous industries and areas of guest management that it serves today.
LRS products help hospitals manage patient flow and communicate with staff. They assist colleges and universities to more efficiently deliver services to students. And they enable retail and hospitality businesses to deliver better, faster and more responsive service to guests.
The company’s core suite of solutions covers guest management, customer feedback, location tracking for operational efficiency and staff communications.
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