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Providers Team to Launch PCI-Compliant Mobile iPad POS

MokiMobility, cloud-based provider for managing, monitoring and securing tablets and smartphones as mobile point-of-sale devices, has announced a partnership with Revel Systems bringing the first and only mobile and iPad point-of-sale solution to market to meet the PCI Security Standards Council’s newest set of mobile point-of-sale security guidelines. Released in February 2013, these guidelines represent the most comprehensive set of security considerations for mobile point-of-sale to-date from the credit card standards group.
As part of this relationship, Revel Systems will integrate the MokiManage platform into its iPad point-of-sale solution, providing end-users with comprehensive monitoring, management and security capabilities across all Revel iPad point-of-sale deployments, including several thousand immediate distributions. This move positions Revel as the first, and only, mPOS and iPad POS provider to meet the new PCI SSC guidelines.

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