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PAR Aims to Drive Hotel Web Reservation with Integrated Booking Engine

PAR Springer-Miller Systems, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PAR Technology Corporation and a provider of guest-centric hospitality management systems, has released the latest version upgrade of the company’s SMS|World XA Online Booking Engine.
SMS|World XA seamlessly integrated into the SMS|Host Hospitality Management System. The fully integrated online booking engine allows reservations to flow in real-time from the Web to the SMS|Host system without incurring transaction-based fees; rates and availability are automatically updated as changes are made in the SMS|Host system. SMS|Host’s robust packaging capability translates seamlessly to the website, maximizing the return of the direct on-line channel.
PAR Springer-Miller engaged RTP Interactive to design the SMS|World XA booking engine specifically for the guest. With this focus on usability, SMS|World XA claims to lower bounce rates and drive more reservations to completion. The intuitive page flow is also said to decrease itinerary abandonment and convert website visitors to guests. PAR Springer-Miller partnered with RTP Interactive because of their extensive expertise in how guests interact with booking destination hotels.
The Woodmark Hotel first to install
With full, native support for Google Analytics, SMS|World XA 3.0 also allows hotels to analyze clickstream data and identify the most successful traffic sources and special offers. The Woodmark Hotel managed by MTM Luxury Lodging, represents the first installation of the newest version of SMS|World XA.
“We want to drive as many reservations as possible through our direct online channel,” says Chuck Marratt, vice president, information technology for MTM Luxury Lodging. “We have found that the user friendly design of SMS|World XA has led to increased conversions and fewer phone calls. With Google Analytics tracking, we can test and measure all of our online promotions.” 
Built on a flexible ASP.NET framework, the SMS|World XA booking engine can be easily immersed into the overall web presence to optimize the online branding experience. Online promotions can be created and deployed with ease.
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