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Buffalo Wild Wings Selects Hubworks to test DrinkHub Software

Buffalo Wild Wings has used Hubworks Interactive to test its DrinkHub software. The national food chain that has several hundred North American dining locations.

Customers can order a meal or drink by using a touchscreen menu on the restaurant-owned iPad. Once they’re finished, they use the device to pay the bill.

Restaurants buy and attach the iPads to walls or dining tables. Hubworks has designed the software so it delivers orders directly from the customer to a cook’s station or to the bar. At the point of payment, the software allows an option to split the payment among more than one credit card.

During the meal customers can use the iPads to access Facebook, Twitter or other sites.

Last year the partners beta-tested the DrinkHub application at a Coeur d’Alene bar. This year, after visiting a number of trade shows, they realized they had a product ideally timed to help businesses searching for ways to help their staffs work more efficiently.

At the Chicago National Restaurant Association show in the spring, they met a Buffalo Wild Wings rep who expressed interest in the system. When the three partners heard Buffalo was preparing to select a self-order, self-pay system, they hatched a plan.

Buffalo Wild Wing executives liked what they saw. For the past four weeks, the restaurant company has operated a full test of Hubworks in a Toronto location.

Another project in the works is a Hubworks app for smartphones. A customer could load an app that works for a specific chain or business.
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